Lady Falcons fall to Cunningham in two.
over 4 years ago, Darrin SanRomani
Lady Falcons JV tops Cunningham!
over 4 years ago, Darrin SanRomani
Lady Falcons JV falls to Central Christian. Next up, Cunnigham JV.
over 4 years ago, Darrin SanRomani
FMS travels to Pretty Prairie on Thursday, October 10. Schedule of play as follows: 4:00 - Pretty Prairie B vs Fairfield B 5:00 - Pretty Prairie A vs Fairfield A 6:00 - Pretty Prairie A vs Stafford A Football 6:00--Farirfield/Stafford vs Pretty Prairie
over 4 years ago, Jessica Mathes
The JV football game scheduled for Monday, October 7, has been cancelled.
over 4 years ago, Jessica Mathes
Schedule of play for Tuesday, October 8 at Central Christian. Games will begin at 4 pm. JV (2 Games to 25 and no 3rd set) Central Christian vs. Fairfield Fairfield vs. Cunningham Central Christian vs. Cunningham Varsity Central Christian vs. Cunningham Fairfield vs. Cunningham Central Christian vs. Fairfield
over 4 years ago, Jessica Mathes
FHS Lady Falcons just won 25-22 against Skyline in the Burrton Volleyball Tournament. On to set three. Go Lady Falcons!
over 4 years ago, Betsy McKinney
FHS JV football will play at home on Monday, October 7. Game time is 6:00 pm.
over 4 years ago, Jessica Mathes
Falcons fall to the Red Aces
over 4 years ago, Jessica Mathes
FHS volleyball will play in the Burrton Invitational Tournament on Saturday. They will begin play at 9:00 against Cunningham.
over 4 years ago, Jessica Mathes
FHS football travels to Bucklin tonight. Game begins at 7:00 pm.
over 4 years ago, Jessica Mathes
FMS and FHS students will be attending the Damon West presentation on Wednesday, October 9 at Lyons High School. Please return permission slips by Tuesday, October 8.--Thanks!
over 4 years ago, Jessica Mathes
Mrs. Knoche’s class enjoyed doing leaf subtraction and pasting the matching colors on this dreary fall day! 🍁🍂
over 4 years ago, Jenny Knoche
MJ and Abi smiling while working!
Slippery outside, sticky inside!
Friends help friends get work done faster!
It’s Fall in our Hall!
Fairfield-Stafford loses to the Attica-Argonia Titans 32 to 60..
over 4 years ago, Betsy McKinney
Here is the link to our online donations for Move to Give. We are raising money for our school for PE, recess equipment, and the Christina Schoenecker Memorial Scholarship fund. No contribution is too small!!!
over 4 years ago, Michael Treat
Order of play for middle school volleyball: 3:00 Fairfield vs. Attica Main Gym 3:00 Stafford vs. Argonia Auxiliary 4:00 Fairfield vs. Argonia Main Gym 4:00 Stafford vs. Attica Auxiliary Gym 5:00 Fairfield JVvs. Attica Main Gym 6:00 Fairfield JV vs. Argonia Main Gym Volleyball parents night will follow the varsity games. Football parents night will take place prior to the start of the football game. 6:00 Farifield/Stafford vs. Attica/Argonia
over 4 years ago, Jessica Mathes
Here is the bracket for the 2019 Burrton Invitational Volleyball Tournament for October 5th.
over 4 years ago, Amy Riggs
There will be no middle school volleyball practice today after school due to both gyms being used for high school volleyball games.
over 4 years ago, Jessica Mathes
Volleyball Games at FHS 10/1 - UPDATED SCHEDULE Games played in both gyms Junior Varsity Games: 3:00 Fairfield vs Skyline (Main Gym) 3:00 South Barber vs Pretty Prairie (Auxiliary Gym) 4:00 Fairfield vs Pretty Prairie (Main Gym) 4:00 South Barber vs Skyline (Auxiliary Gym) 5:00 Pretty Prairie vs Skyline (Auxiliary Gym) Varsity Games: 6:15 Fairfield vs Skyline (Main Gym) 6:15 South Barber vs Pretty Prairie (Auxiliary Gym) 7:15 Fairfield vs Pretty Prairie (Main Gym) 7:15 South Barber vs Skyline (Auxiliary Gym) 8:15 Fairfield vs South Barber (Main Gym) 8:15 Pretty Prairie vs Skyline (Auxiliary Gym)
over 4 years ago, Angela Glascock
Senior Night will be held prior to the start of varsity play. JV 3:00 Fairfield vs. Skyline Main Gym 4:00 Fairfield vs. Pretty Prairie Main Gym Varsity 6:15pm Fairfield vs. Skyline Main Gym 7:15pm Fairfield vs. Pretty Prairie Main Gym 8:15pm Fairfield vs. South Barber Main Gym
over 4 years ago, Jessica Mathes