There will be a 2-hour delay for Wednesday, February 5th. There will no VoTech or Early Ed routes. Breakfast will not be served.

Falcon Game Day!!!
High School basketball teams travel to Cunningham this evening to take on the Wildcats. Games begin at 4:00 PM with 1/2 JV girls, JV boys, Varsity girls, Varsity boys.

Middle School League tournament schedule.
Both the boys and girls will play Thursday night at Burrton.
Boys will play Burrton at 7:30 PM
Girls will play Central Christian at 6:15 PM
If the boys win they will play Attica at 11:30 AM on Saturday in Burrton.
If the girls win they will play Norwich at 9:00 AM on Saturday in Burrton.

MS Girls HOPL Tournament Bracket

Boys MS HOPL Tournament Bracket

Tickets can be purchased from a Junior Parent and will be available at the following basketball games:
-- Monday, February 3
-- Friday, February 14
-- Friday, February 21
COST: $25/ticket and if you purchase 4, the 5th one is FREE!!
Drawing Date: Friday, February 21st at the Basketball Game.
Thank you for supporting Fairfield After Prom 2025!

Fairfield Schools Weekly Consolidated Schedule 2/2 - 2/8. Stay tuned to the USD #310 Facebook page and Live Feed for any additions or adjustments to this week's schedule.

February calendar with changes in red

Jody's bus (Turon) is running about 20 minutes this morning.

This is the updated link for the Forensics tournament judging form. The tournament is on Saturday, March 1st.

Falcons Game Day!!!
Another busy evening of Falcon basketball awaits us tonight.
Schedules for tonight's games are as follows:
FHS games @Chaparral 4:30 PM
3/4 JV Girls
Varsity Girls
FMS games @South Barber 4:30 PM
1/2 "B" Girls
"A" Boys
"A" Girls

Fairfield High School is hosting a forensics tournament in Langdon, KS on campus and is searching for judges to help accommodate all of the entries from area schools. If you are interested please fill out the form below, or email Will Dutton at wdutton@usd310.org. We plan to have a hospitality room to thank you for your efforts in helping us put on a successful tournament.

Come join us for a fast food lunch on February 15th at the Abbyville school. All proceeds go to the Mendenhall family. Stop by and enjoy lunch.

FFA News:
Aubi Katz makes the news at the Ft. Worth Livestock Show

Updated schedule for Thursday, January 30th
FMS basketball games @South Barber have been changed to the following schedule starting at 4:30 PM. 1/2 "B" Girls, "A" Boys, "A" Girls.

What's for supper tonight?? PIZZA!
Help support FHS Stuco

Falcon Game Day!!!
The Falcons take on the Central Christian Cougars tonight. Start time has been pushed back to 4:00 PM due to only playing 1/2 of a JV girls game. Schedule for tonight will be as follows:
1/2 JV Girls
JV Boys
Varsity Girls
Varsity Boys

We're hiring!

Falcon Game Day!!!
The High School teams take on the Chase Kats tonight starting at 4:30 PM with the JV Boys. Varsity Girls and Varsity Boys will follow after.
The High School wrestlers also travel to Ellinwood this evening with wrestling beginning at 5:00 PM.
Good luck to all of you and GO FALCONS!!!

Fairfield Schools weekly consolidated Schedule 1/26 - 2/1. Any updates/adjustments to the schedule will be posted to the USD #310 Facebook page.