Use this checklist to help your child make the right decisions for high school and get on track for college.
Much of the information from this page comes from - check out that website for additional information and resources.
Freshmen Year You Must. . .
Visit college campuses with your child.
Encourage your child to make a diploma plan with the counselor.
Get to know teachers.
Have your child schedule to take tough classes, like honors classes, algebra, foreign languages and SB155 courses. Colleges are looking for honors or other advanced classes.
Encourage your child to choose electives that will help learn about his or her interests.
Keep a folder of accomplishments for your child that includes:
Job shadowing and internships letters of participation
Have your child take the Learning Style Quiz in either Career Cruising or Kuder - Learning styles change and grow just like your child!
Tell your child to work hard to create and keep a high GPA
Make a Career Plan with your child.
ADD these to the Checklist SOPHOMORE Year
Research Colleges and their Admission Requirements with your child.
Get to know you child’s teachers.
Have your child Prepare for the PSAT in the Fall and register to take it in the Spring
Help your child keep a schedule or agenda of deadlines
Have your child retake the Learning Style Quiz- Learning styles change and grow just like you do!
Help your child investigate Job Shadowing
Help your child search for Internships
ADD these to the list to Get in Gear For College Application Season JUNIOR year:
Have your child take SB155 or dual credit courses available in your child’s high school to save money in college and increase GPA.
Help your child create a Resume
Help your child get a professional e-mail address: (
Help your child research the requirements regarding entrance and placement exams link to Learn the Language Dictionary at the potential colleges.
Help your child search and start applying for Scholarships
Talk to the school counselor or academic advisor to help your child decide when to take the test and Register before the deadline for the ACT (Ask your counselor about a Fee Waiver)
Talk to the school counselor or academic advisor to help your child decide when to take the test and Register before the deadline for the SAT and SAT Subject Tests at (Ask your counselor about a Fee Waiver)
Make sure your child arrives ON TIME to take the SAT and ACT-Check your student’s test instructions to find out what your child needs to take to the testing site.
Help your child to start Finalizing the College List
Investigate College costs
Learn ways to pay for college
Make sure to remind your child to work hard to keep a high GPA ! Get tutoring for your child if he or she needs it!
Help your child to start working on the COLLEGE APPLICATION ESSAY